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A cool shot of a bunch of different lichens on a low hanging tree branch. Taken in the White Mountains of Arizona.



I’m in white with the ear muffs on. Those chainsaws aren’t particularly loud, but after hours of use, they get to be. You can see my favorite dog in the background, Zoe. We logged firewood in the White Mountains near Clay Springs, AZ to heat our house in Snowflake, AZ during the winter and colder months. I miss doing these logging trips. Lots of camping and work.

Camping in the White Mountains of Arizona

Camping in the White Mountains of Arizona

This was taken with the range finding Olympus 35 RD, but my friend didn’t know you had to focus it. This blurry portrait of me really emphasizes the state of mind I was in when it was taken. Beer, good friends, fire, and photography while camping is great.

Camping in the White Mountains

Camping in the White Mountains

I really took a lot of picture while I was out camping in the White Mountains of Arizona. Here is one of the campsites we made in the Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. Fire plus tent equals happy camping.

Long and Lonesome Road

Long and Lonesome Road

Here’s a shot of a two track logging road through the White Mountains. Taken just outside the area we used as a camping spot. Got the sun coming through the trees just perfectly.